Monday, December 28, 2009

There are no Tears in Heaven

I was given a beautiful little book from a sweet friend.

"Mommy please don't cry... There are no tears in Heaven."

Of course, once I cracked open the book the tears came freely.

"I met Jesus today Mommy. He cradled me in His big, strong arms. He made me feel so happy inside."

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

The book is full of the most exquisite pictures. Looking at them reached down into the very pit of my pain and fulfilled a visual longing I had. Not even really realizing that the longing was there.

The very longing of my once again be united with my little ones, to have our hearts beat as one.

I know babies that you will wait right there safe and sound enjoying the splendor of heaven, being cared for by the angels and being loved fully by our Heavenly Father.
And I will continue to long for you every day and live in expectation of when I can love on you and care for you like my mamas' heart so desperately wants too.


Angelica Bays, said...


Trisha said...

Thanks for sharing. I have this book on my amazon wish list. I also read the letter to your babies. I am so sorry for your sweet little babes are no longer with you. I lost a little one 2 years ago and my feelings really resonated with your words.

trooppetrie said...

where did you find this book, how amazing

Anonymous said...

a sweet book expressing a sweet truth to a sweet mama


Anonymous said...

Your story is so tender thank you for sharing. I was blessed with infertility problems. Yes blessed, because when I finally did concieve it was twins and I had an appreciation that most people don't. I feared going through what you are almost every day. Bless you and think of the always.

Taking Heart said...

That is just precious. I love that book... so glad it brought you a bit of comfort.

Praying you a blessed new year... from one mama of angel babies to another.

Anonymous said...

Weeping. Seriously.

Remembering. Grieving. Aching.

The pain is as real as if it happened yesterday. But, time does help - it has been 4 years for me.

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