2. Anger ~ at your circumstances, at someone.
3. Self-pity ~ wallowing and staying inwardly focused.
4. Fear ~ whether it be of the future or the unknowns.
5. Envy ~ looking around and thinking that everyone always seems to be better off than you are.
We cannot control what happens around us, we cannot control the people around us. The circumstances that we find ourselves in, the trials endured, the disappointments, betrayals, and difficulties are all part of living in a fallen world.
Bad things happen, people make mistakes, life hurts. We have a choice.
We can allow these joy stealers to creep into our thoughts and minds and consume us or we can allow ourselves to be captivated by real, healing, bless-ed joy.
Does joy necessarily mean giddy happiness?
I don't believe so. Sure there are times where it is most definitely that. But there are other times where joy is far more quiet and subdued.
...In your presence is fullness of joy...Psalm 16:11(NKJ)
Joy in His presence not necessarily in our present circumstances. The circumstances may be disappointing, they may be ugly, they may be overwhelming but the fact remains there is still a possibility for joy.
Psalm 15:9 (NKJ)
~As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.
11 ~These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you and that your joy may be full.
Abide in His love and His joy will remain in you.
Abiding, relishing, pursuing our Saviors love will produce joy that sustains through any situation, any disappointment any trial.
Looking heavenward, looking to the truth found in His word.
This is where you will find your joy, whether it be giddy and overflowing or quietly being weaved into your innermost being.
Choose Him.
Choose joy.
What perfect pics for the quiet side of JOY! Very creative! This is the same path I have been on as well. Nice job!
awesome post- thanks. I needed that tonight!
Hi Passionate housewife! I came over here from MckMama's and I have a question about something you posted there. Have you written the birth stories of your unattended home births? If so, I would love to read them.
I love this post - it is so perfect and something we all need to remember!
And I also loved that video link you left me. AMAZING. Chills and tears and the whole 9 yards. Thank you so much for sharing that with me!
So true. Thank you for the lovely reminder.
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