Friday, April 16, 2010

Children Won't Wait

"There is a time to treasure every fleeting minute of their childhood. Just eighteen precious years to inspire and train them.

We will not exchange this birthright for a mess of pottage called social position, or business success or professional reputation.

An hour of concern today may save years of heartache tomorrow, the house will wait, the dishes will wait, the new room can wait, but children don't wait.

There will be a time when there will be no slamming of doors, no toys on the stairs, no childhood quarrels, no fingerprints on the wallpaper.

Then may we look back with joy and not regret. God give us wisdom to see that today is the day with our children.That there is no unimportant moment in their lives.

May we know that no other career is so precious, no other work so rewarding, no other task so urgent. May we not defer it nor neglect it, but by Thy Spirit accept it gladly, joyously, and by Thy grace realize that the time is short and our time is now, for children won't wait!"

~Helen Young

Resolve to live this day like you won't get it back, because...

well, you won't.

1 comment:

Always Leave Room For Grace said...

That was very encouraging Sher. Thanks for posting that.


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