Is that all we want?
I think that I have spent the better part of the last 14 years of raising my children focusing on just that. Sure "good" to me involves a whole lot more than what it might mean to someone else.
Do they love God?
Are they kind and compassionate?
Unselfish, generous and good servers?
Obedient, and respectful?
These things matter to me, these are traits that I hold in esteem before my children. I measure their behavior according to how well they are fulfilling these qualities. I strive to reach their hearts with the importance of each of these in their life. I disciple, exhort, rebuke and discipline with their character in mind.
I want to raise kids that are not only a blessing to me but to others around me. I want to live in a home where there is joy, and dissension and conflict is at a medium.
This takes work, lots of work. It takes time, lots of time.
So much work and time that sometimes I forget that there is more. A whole lot more.
Will it be enough if I raise children that are just good?
I don't believe so. I think that there are lots of good Christian people out there. There are lots of good Christian people filling the pews every Sunday.
Christ didn't preach that we were to strive for good. He did not preach that we were to reach the epitome of good. We already know that our righteousness is like filthy rags. There is no comparison to Gods holiness, His perfection.
What did He preach then?
Matthew 16:25~For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.
I think that Christian parents today have fallen prey to the worlds standards of success.
Sure they want little Johnny to grow up good, but they also want little Johnny to grow up privileged, to have most everything, to take part in most everything, to compete in most everything. They want the best education, the most opportunities, and little Johnny to not experience loss, pain, or want.
I most definitely believe education is important. But not at the expense of godly discipleship. I want opportunities for my children, but not just good, fun opportunities. I want them to experience service opportunities, difficult opportunities, and uncomfortable opportunities.
I have no desire to raise wimpy, pampered children. I have no desire to have lazy, indulged, pushy, or bully children.
When I look at my children's future I do not dream of fancy colleges or universities. I don't aspire for them to have lofty degrees and prestigious letters after their names.
No I am striving for something more, much more.
Will my children be willing to lose their life if asked... as in would they be willing to lay down earthly dreams, goals if God laid it on their heart to do so?
Will they strive after the worlds idea of success or will they seek the less prominent, less appealing, humble pursuit of service?
I realize that the world has a need for Christian doctors, lawyers, engineers and professors. But within those prestigious positions there are non prestigious choices. If God has given my child a gift, a skill if you may and has laid it on his heart to pursue one of these occupations would he be willing to set aside the many opportunities that came his way to seek out a way to use his position, his gift in humble service?
This may mean loss of status, loss of opportunities, loss of financial gain maybe even income.
Whoever is willing to lose his life for me will gain his life
I take it very seriously my role in equipping my children with this mindset. My training, my teaching, the experiences I provide for them, the experiences that they find themselves in that I do not rescue them from, the things that I let them struggle through.
All of this is beneficial, it provides a framework from which God can work within in their hearts.`
Why would we want our children to seek earthly gain, what eternal value is in that?
Heavenly minded, Kingdom purposes... those should be our goals.
Good is great.
But good is not good enough.
Strive for more mommies...strive for so much more.