I am burdened by the tasks at hand. It just seems too large, too much these days.
I'm sure many would have answers to my multitude of dilemmas...
~Put your kids in school.
~Have your baby on a strict feeding schedule that's convenient for you and when she needs to sleep, let her cry it out.
~Hire someone else to come and clean your house once a week.
~Expect more from your husband.
~Get out for girls nights and have your "me~time" more often.
~It's not going to hurt anyone to cook out of convenience packages.
And Gasp...
~Stop having children.
While these are all fine and dandy answers to some, they are not what I NEED.
I need a fresh outlook, I need strength that can only come from him.
Matthew 11:28-30~"Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
On this incredible journey of motherhood we WILL grow weary, we WILL feel burdened, it WILL at times be difficult and a challenge.
Does that mean we throw in the towel? Do we give up and lower our standards and compromise on our expectations?
Well, that would be easier wouldn't it.
Suppose an Olympic athlete stop training hard everytime he was a little wounded, suppose everytime he felt overwhelmed by the sheer energy and self discipline it takes to compete he just lowered the bar a little.
That would be absurd you say! How is he ever going to win the race and gain the prize!
We are on a race here ladies...there's no time to wallow in our wounds, there's no time to complain about how hard it is! We have been called to this great task. God never promised it would be easy.
Isa 40:31 ~ but they that wait for Jehovah shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.
I know that everyday that I invest into my children having them home, guiding their steps, educating not only their minds but their hearts is for His glory.
He needs leaders that are ready and equipped to further His kingdom! Do you know that mamas? Do you know that you are furthering His kingdom by your sacrifice each day?
I know that by gently nurturing, and caring for my baby girl that I'm preparing her for her relationship with her Heavenly Father one day. She will know that He will ALWAYS be there for her, that He will never leave her in her distress. She is internalizing trust and learns she will be comforted.
I love seeing the intimate relationships that have developed between my older children and their God. Every bit of inconvenience in the early years is worth that!
If someone else cleaned my home I would miss out on the great sense of accomplishment I feel when my home is orderly and tidy. I will have left out the great training opportunities I have to equip my children with wonderful life skills. Learning and achieving acts of service that benefit others. Raising them to think outside of themselves, to do what isn't always easy or fun but for the betterment of others.
I can honor my husband by serving him, by showing him the work that he does each day does not go unnoticed. Because of his daily diligence I have the privelege of being home with our children.
When it comes to "me~time" why do we feel so indebted? Like it is owed us?
Phil.4:19~"My God shall supply ALL of my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus"
Being a mother at times means sacrifice, unselfish love, and faithful dedication. It means denying ourselves. (Matt. 16:25) His word tells us "it's not all about us...it is all about Him!"(Matt.10:38-39)
Yes, I'm tired. But thats okay. I know I am running the good race, I'm aware of all that is at stake. I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His courts with praise, I will say this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice for He has made me glad!