We are so busy as mamas aren't we?
We feel enough guilt and pressure in so many areas of our life don't we? Being told we need to take more time from our already busy schedules to dig into Gods word can seem like an overwhelming feat. Our days can just fly when we are homeschooling our
little broods, sometimes it just feels like a race against the clock.
The thing is...we need our Fathers words, we need nourishment for our souls.
If we are going to instruct our children daily and pour into them the values and morals of God, we need to really know our bibles.
I have enjoyed devotions in the past with books written specifically for women, I have done various
small group
Bible studies, I'm the queen of the "open your bible and wherever if falls read a chapter" method. As a homeschooling mother, I've used the excuse that I'm in my Bible everyday with the kids doing their studies, so that's enough.
Really though, is it enough? I personally don't think so. I have found God speaks to me in the quiet. "
Be still and know that I am God."
When we are busy instructing, teaching, and relaying Gods word to our children, we are not listening, we are not pondering, we are not meditating, we are not just sitting with the word of our Lord and letting it be.
I have found when I am pregnant, after my morning sickness is through is when my quiet time suffers the most. I love to be super organized, get lots done and squeeze every ounce out of everyday. Relishing in the word of God and sitting still is just not on the list of things to do!
However, after the little babe is born, life demands that I sit my butt down countless times a day to feed my little nursling. What a great time to get that Bible out, read for a chunk of time and steal moments with our Heavenly Father. Since this is where I am currently at, it's been on my heart to share.
Those of you mamas whose days are spent chasing around toddlers, cleaning up spills and crumbs, training preschoolers and hoping that little elves will come while you are sleeping to take care of the mountain of laundry you have...I've been there. I remember there were years that having an actual set aside quiet time was not feasible. I'm not going to be one of those women that will guilt you into that.
I used to find that just having my Bible sitting out by the sink, I could grab a few verses here and there all throughout the day. While I was doing food prep, washing dishes, or the countless other reasons I would be near the sink in the daytime allowed me to still read. So you may not have time to follow a devotional guide, you may not have time to do an intensive Bible study, but you still have time to get into His word...I promise!
You just need a plan. I have one for you. I came across a great idea recently for reading Gods word. It is by John MacArthur. His idea below is for reading and studying the New Testatment.
"Read one book at a time repetitiously for a month or more.
If you want to try this, begin with a short book, such as 1John, and read it through in one sitting every day for 30 days. At the end of that time, you will know what is in the book. Write on index cards the major theme of each chapter. By referring to the cards as you do your daily reading, you will begin to remember the content of each chapter. In fact, you will develop a visual perception of the book in your mind.
Divide longer books into short sections and read each section daily for 30 days. For example, the gospel of John contains 21 chapters. Divide it into 3 sections of 7 chapters. At the end of 90 days, you will finish John. For variety, alternate short and long books, and in less than 3 years you will have finished the entire New Testament - and you will really know it!"
I have started this plan and love it! I feel that I have a purpose for my reading each day. I am not just randomly picking and choosing. (not that there is anything wrong with that)
I like that my knowledge of the Word of God will increase. I will be able to retain what is in the New Testament and not always have to depend on a concordance to find things.
Think of how valuable this will be to those of us whom are homeschooling mamas. We will be much more knowledgeable for our children.
"She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue."~ Proverbs 31:26
And you mamas of preschoolers, this will still work. Keep that Bible lying out and about. Read a chapter or even a few verses at a time and follow the plan. Even if you only get half of the reading done one day and do the other half the next... so what. It means you read each section 15 days instead of 30. This will still allow you get deeper into Gods word. This will fill a place in your heart that may be lacking.
Our Father longs for us to know Him, he wants us to build a relationship of truth. This can only be done by knowing his precepts, and understanding His plan for us.
So come on ladies, join me and dig in!